Junior QA-Engineer / IT-Specialist
41 год (03 Апреля 1983)
Возможен переезд в другой город
Полная занятость
18 лет 4 месяца
Информационные технологии / IT / Интернет
- connecting companies to the electronic government data exchange system
- operating system installation
- software installation
- search for bugs
- Bug Report
- preparation of the software technical specification
- key generation for EDS (electronic digital signature)
- working with documents
- payment of invoices
Информационные технологии / IT / Интернет
1. WEB Testing
- Documentation
- Layout Testing
- Functional Testing
- Usability Testing
2. Functional Testing Ways
- Web forms Testing
- Functional bugs search
- Equivalence Partitioning
- Boundary scenarios
- Positive TestCases
- Negative TestCases
- Check-list
- Exploratory Testing
- Ad-hoc Testing
3. Software Testing Life Cycle
- Software Life Cycle
- The testing stages
- Software development stages
- TestPlan
- Testing strategies
- Scope of work
- Scrum
- Planning/Scrum Poker
- Software Development Participants
4. Test design
- Equivalence Partitioning-EP
- Boundary Value Analysis
- Error Guessing - EG
- Cause / Effect - CE
- Decision Table
- Pairwise Testing
5. Mobile app testing
6. Games testing
Банки / Инвестиции / Лизинг
Work with internet-banking :
- customer account registration in internet-banking
- login name generation
- connecting intrnet-bank login name to the bank main platform ID
- connecting login name to the mobile phone number for payment confirmation by SMS code.
- session keys generation (optional), it needs if mobile connection is not available.
- block/unblock of user account
- Inform about bugs in internet-banking
- Bug Report for IT department.
Work with bank payment cards:
- cards emission
- pin generation
- activation of SMS-informing
- connection to 3D-Secure
- block/unblock cards
- fees collection
Work with organizations:
- payments legality control
- transfers
- open/close accounts for organizations
- collection orders regisration
- reconciliation of account balances
- fees collection
Work with private customers:
- open/close deposits
- credits
- insurance traveling abroad
- transfers from account to account
- transfers without opening an account
- SWIFT transfers
Банки / Инвестиции / Лизинг
Credit Manager
Бухгалтерия / Финансы / Аудит
Добыча сырья / Энергетика / ТЭК
Financial department economist
Ухта, 2001 — 2006 гг.
Completed the course "Web development intensive. Personal site creation" (HTML&CSS+JavaScript+PHP)
GeekBrains (Website maker)
Completed the course "Introduction to Programming. Online Course"
Completed the course "Software Testing"
Training center QATestLab (Software Quality Assurance Engineer)
I study course "Software Quality Assurance"
ProTesting (QA Engineer)
Английский — Разговорный
Права категорий:
5 лет
Hello, consider me as a beginner specialist please. I apply for a start position Junior QA Engineer. At the moment I intend to know the new profession. I choose IT-field becouse I want to develop my IT-skills. After reviewing the vacancy requirements, I decided that the software tester is the most interesting position for me. I see myself in bank software testing, accountant software testing (have experience as a specialist), WEB testing and 3D games testing. I have skills to create BugReports, TestCases. I can use Bug Tracking system: Mantis; TestCases control system: TestLink. I can create Simple MySQL queries. Now I study Java. I can make simple code. I understand the file structure. What I can: - Search for bugs - Make Bug Reports - Use Bug Tracking System: Mantis - Make Test Cases using TestLink - Create negative and positive scenarios - Make Simple queries MySQL - create websites (HTML&CSS+JavaScript) - Use IDE Eclipse - make simple code Java - configure the network - data recovery - operating system installation - software installation - setup of office equipment - PC hardware upgrade - HDD testing (bed-sectors testing) - RAM (DDR) testing INTERESTS & HOBBIES IT‚ English practice (level B2) , trips, reading‚ cars, swimming, fitness, snowboard, skating
21 марта, 2012
5 000 руб
Санкт-Петербург local_shipping
35 лет (23 ноября 1989)
Опыт работы:
Без опыта
25 июня, 2012
20 000 руб
Наталия Владимировна
Санкт-Петербург local_shipping
38 лет (21 августа 1986)
Опыт работы:
Без опыта
13 августа, 2013
5 000 руб
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