Главный инженер / Технический директор
63 года (19 Января 1962)
Возможен переезд в другой город
Полная занятость
12 лет 1 месяц
Строительство / Недвижимость
A provision and ensuring of operability of engineering systems of electric energy supplying, gas and heat supplying for instance. A control under their running properly. A work with subcontractor's organizations providing a service within construction and refurbishment office building as well. A control of their making job quality. An interaction with State Authority and Energy supplying organizations and tenant's authorities. Cooperation with the organizations who rent offices in business Centre. Ensuring of supervisors over subcontractor's jobs by refurbishment office building. Checking of their done jobs as quality, volumes and a conformity to a project. Interaction with State authority organizations and Energy supplying organizations: water suppliers, electricity suppliers and gas suppliers as well: documentation, reports, and acts of work done. Implementation of agreements with maintenance subcontractors and control over their done job for maintenance building equipment.
Транспорт / Логистика / Склад
A survey, examination and check up of transportation routes for delivering extra heavy and extra height goods like energy equipment by module trailer for too long distance. Making agreements with maintenance, servicing and operating organizations or guilds of electric wires for passing trailers and goods under below hanging cables. The escort and convoy for transportation goods on the trailers like Faimonville, Scheuerle and connecting to electric staff. Interaction with roads maintenance enterprises for provision the extra doing turning radiuses. Taking parts in making Project of transportation extra heavy, extra width, extra weight and extraordinary goods by Federal roads and by the roads in different regions. A teamwork while a transportation in progress.
Туризм / Гостиницы / Рестораны
An organization of the technical service of mini-hotel and a free-standing restaurant, and housekeeping service facility (a hotel complex includes a hotel, swimming pool 600m2, restaurants). An interaction with state authorities, public services supervision. A co-ordination activity with sub-contractors and outsourcing service providers. An organization of the technical service facility. A management over repair-fixing service, cleaning, laundry, repair facilities and hotel rooms. Controlling the supply of materials and spare parts, working with contractors, the quality control of their work. Time tracking subordinate staff. Finance planning of spending money for buying standby parts for engineering equipment.
Производство / Промышленность
A work to organization of refrigeration equipment installation at the customer site, monitoring of works from the beginning to the end of the installation. Commissioning of the equipment to the customer. Accompanying documentation at all stages of the production cycle. Interaction with the customer during the warranty period and after the warranty period.
Высшее (Специалист)
Санкт-Петербург, 1979 — 1985 гг.
Современное холодильное оборудование
УЦ "Остров" (Обслуживание и ремонт современного холодильного оборудования)
Английский — Разговорный
16 апреля, 2019
3 августа, 2023
150 000 руб
47 лет (25 декабря 1977)
Опыт работы:
22 года и 9 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
Главный инженер, ООО" Алкор Био"
11.2021 - 05.2023
23 февраля, 2016
100 000 руб
Сергей Викторович
Санкт-Петербург local_shipping
55 лет (24 февраля 1969)
Опыт работы:
9 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
Руководитель проекта, ГК "А Плюс Девелопмент"
05.2015 - 02.2016
Резюме размещено в отрасли